24/7 Prayer Resource

Many ministries are maxed in their capacity to serve, yet still have calls for prayer long after the church closes. While it may be fiscally unfeasible to man an around the clock prayer line, crisis happens 24 hours a day and there are services that can help.
Here are some great referral ministries that offer 24/7 live prayer.
CBN/ The 700 Club – 1-800-823-6053 24 or Chat online
Kenneth Copeland Ministries – 1-817-852-6000
Trinity Broadcasting Network (714) 731-1000
Morris Cerullo (866) 756-4200
World Harvest Church (614) 837-3232
Life Outreach International (800) 947-5433
Somebody Cares Tampa Bay (877) 800-7729
This list is growing. If you know of a Christian prayer line that we may have missed. Please comment below.