Christian Global Outreach Ministries - Seed Grant Finalists

Thank you for assisting us in distributing seed grant funds.

Our applicant list of 189 has been narrowed to the 16 ministries below. We ask that you prayerfully consider God’s leading in selecting 3-5 recipients that you most strongly feel should receive a ministry seed grant.  We would also appreciate you listing any person that you may be inclined to believe, should not receive a grant.

Grant recipients will be decided on Wednesday 8/30 and we would appreciate your feedback before that date.

Each applicant has provided a 90 sec video introduction of themselves and other media highlighting their ministry work.

Please use the link below to review their ministry efforts along with the information provided below..

We appreciate your wisdom and willingness to serve!

-Michelle & Team CGOM


Seed Grant Finalists


1.  Alice Smith

What – Radio project

The Welcome Home broadcast has been on television for almost 7 years. It can be seen  on , Google home , Alexa , Spotify or any podcast platform. It reaches 9 million people. We have 24 hour prayer line. We have seen Salvations deliverance healing directions for the people God is continuing to move and spreading the message of Jesus Christ to the world. Welcome Home just started airing in radio station in Nashville Tennessee. Praise God!

If awarded, the Seed Grant will fund the new project for radio station in Nashville Tennessee

The radio station cost is $ 150.00 a monthly for 7 months


2. Carole Anne Cole -

What – London outreach ministry

In 2004 I was led to begin Big Fish 117 Ministries, following my conversion in 2002. I had an unchurched background, but on several occasions was a recipient of both care and prayer, from a small community church nearby in my home town in London UK After my salvation, I had a natural passion to reach people from a similar background with the gospel of Our Lord  Jesus Christ. So in a very basic and simple way began going on to a local housing estate, speaking with children and began talking in a simple way, about The Lord. We also did lots of sports-based activities. This ministry grew incredibly and after a year or so, many of the youth and mums would visit my home, where we shared meals, the message and Bible studies. By 2014 this outreach had grown and I set up various communty groups to help people in poorer communities, the name Big Fish 117 Ministries is from the gospel of Mark 1 verse 17, where Jesus said "follow me. I will make you fishers of men" which was how The Lord was leading me personally, to preach and walk in my calling as an evangelist..By 2015 this ministry had increased and with other volunteers, we were supporting around 23 street homeless men and women and a new ministry was birthed th All Night Cafe, an overnight meal and refuge for people in need. By 2016 we were welcoming around 40 people a night and had gained much interest. Since those times and because of the days we are facing, we have extended our house fellowship, maintaining an open door outreach and delivering several praise and worship meetings and a house homeless fellowship once a week where they come for a word, prayer and a meal. Our prayers have been to be as good as our word, and focused on the main heart of the Great Commission. As a resut I have felt led to increase our missions to a number of

For our summer extended missions, to the south and south west coastal towns and target areas of London where we know there are huge numbers of street homeless, addicts and people who are spiritually crippled. Literally our project will be using the time wisely to proclaim the gospel and fulfill our assignment to fish for men. This is an exciting outreach and all the more because each of the team have a testimony to their own salvation and have a huge heart for the lost to hear the Good news while there is still freedom to preach in the UK. Huge thanks for making this available, God bless you from us in the UK additional neighbourhoods and some seaside - coastal towns throughout the coming weeks. We are around 20 members and as Minister and leader of the ministry sense the imperative of being true to the Bible and our responsibility as believers in these times. We follow up all our outreach and have a series of tracts and leaflets giving the Good News as well as making it easy for folk to contact us and meet up for questions, prayers and encouragement in the faith. We also host meetings and several Zoom prayer meetings weekly for those who are not attending a church or who are new to the faith. Our passion is to see souls come to Christ and we are well known and visible locally. Our focus is always to share the gospel and have increased our mission and frequency, understanding the urgency and prophetic timing that the church and the unsaved face. Our mission phrase is "No one should be hungry & No one should be homeless" . Applying this - as to the word of God, being the bread of life and Heavenly eternity with The Lord - as  a forever home for those who will believe.

The grant funds would be spent on tracts, Leaflets, travel (trains, buses ) possible materials, visibility boards, printing supplies


3. Charles Dickinson

What – Sherriff Chaplain training

We are ministering to the homeless in Tulsa and building a Chaplain program for a county in the Tusa area. I have been a Firefighter Chaplain for 13yrs.

Chaplain program for a Sheriff's Dept.

The grant funds would help cover cost of supplies.  We are starting from scratch. Everything needed comes from my pocket. We need supplies for Emergencies and Mental health first aid training, and other Chaplain training.


4. Christopher R McCall -

What – Global Missionaries

We are missionaries with Youth With A Mission. As missionaries, we raise all of our funding for life and ministry. We have been serving with YWAM since Jan 2017. Locally, in Kona, I lead the Schools of Worship within our University of the Nations arm of YWAM. We run three schools a year. This Upper Level School, is three months of lecture phase and then three months field assignments all across the globe. In 2022 we saw 1,874 gospel seeds sown, 645 decisions go follow Christ, Bible distribution throughout southern Mexico, and more. We've been apart of Bible distribution in Myanmar and the Himalayas in Nepal. Our current focus is to see scripture songs written in languages that are currently having the Bible translated. We are partnering with Oral Bible Translation/Oral Mother Tongue translation efforts to give training to local musicians, write these scripture songs, record them, and send them back to the people groups on SD cards along with the Oral Translation of the Bible.

The grant would be spent towards my travel expenses of which I have many for these global projects.


5. Daniel Evans -

What- Prison Ministry

Originally Harvest of Life was incorporated in Texas by its founder Rev. Murl Gwynn.  We are currently obeying His call into the prisons of North Florida for the purpose of evangelizing and discipling those who are incarcerated. In the seven years Dan Evans has recruited over 75 volunteers that are not all part of one church, but over 10 churches in the community! Harvest of Life conducts worship services in 17 different institutions monthly and Harvest of Life teaches weekly in 3 different institutions.

We supply/provide Bibles, Christian books and devotionals to our brothers and sisters in blue who are incarcerated not only in State Institutions but also Federal Detention Centers & ICE facilities. Our Hispanic brothers in blue write us and request Bibles and Bible studies to be sent to them as they come to know Christ and we provide them with these bilingual Bibles and Bible studies. We also purchase Bibles, books, and devotionals for those giving their hearts and lives to Jesus during our alter calls in our worship services.

If granted, the funds would be used to help support our ongoing mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters in blue who are incarcerated not only in State Institutions but also Federal.

The funds would be used to help offset the cost of purchasing and shipping Bibles to our Hispanic brothers being held in ICE facilities awaiting their deportation back to their home countries. The funds would also be used to help offset the cost of purchasing Bibles, books, and devotionals for those giving their hearts and lives to Jesus during our alter calls in our worship services.


6. Delbert James Hill -

What – Recovery house

Twenty years ago, my wife and I experienced a transformation through Jesus because of some marital problems. The Lord showed us His mercy and kindness in that time of correcting and bringing us back together, and he also showed us the importance of family. Since then, we have sought to offer family to those around us who need it, and our "family" has grown into a full time ministry for both of us!

In 2021 we moved into a 13-bedroom on faith, and became "The Covering" ministry. The "686" in our website and emails comes from Psalm 68:6, which says in part, "The Lord sets the lonely in families..." What a privilege to be a part of this great work! Now the Lord has grown us to three homes and more than 20 people (and none of those are our own adult children or their children!), who we consider family and provide a "Covering" for. The women who come to us come from all kinds of backgrounds but the common denominator is that they are looking to fill some kind of hole in their lives. We get to help them meet Jesus - the only One who can fill that hole if they will let him! Often, their children join us when they move into the "transitional" portion of the ministry, and the 4 children who are with us now get to experience their moms being made new and get to meet Jesus for themselves! It truly is a beautiful, every day miracle to be here. We are grateful to God for changing our lives and reminding us all of our need for Him every day!

The first ministry home we moved into is a 13 -bedroom old veterans home. God provided it miraculously, and it has been a wonderful home to us! However, as the home was enlarged to create more homes for veterans in years past, the septic system for the house was not also updated

The funds would be used toward the design, permit and install of  updates to the home. So far we have received $15,000 in local donations to this end. The experts we are working with assure us that the system will cost at least $47,000, so we have a $32,000 gap. We are hoping to get this paid for and installed before winter this year (we are in Ohio and can only install septic systems till October at the latest), so that next summer our kids can play outside without fear of getting sick!


7. Dickson Wasake -

What - Testimony Website

In 2017, after being a prodigal son for about 20 years, I had a radical encounter with the Lord Jesus. I got baptized and then started on a journey to know the Lord. The Lord commissioned me to start a global ministry that collects testimonies and verifies them. To date we have 88 testimonies and we have 9 staff working with me, with a goal of having 50,000 testimonies in line with our 5 year vision. The testimonies together with our global ministry partnership network we are developing will spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. At present the 9 staff are in countries such as: India, Pakistan, Cameroon and Uganda and we work with ministry coordinators in each country to collect these testimonies and our goal is to collect at least 5 testimonies per month from each of the 195 countries.

The project is purchase of video recording equipment for our country coordinators to collect testimonies of what God is doing in their country. This will be shared on our social media platforms. We currently have 1,600 YouTube subscribers. We are growing our Tiktok and Instagram presence. We also have about 2,000 email subscribers and will be sharing testimonies with them as we grow.

If we are awarded grant funds, we would purchase video equipment, notably for Pakistan where our Pakistan coordinator is working with rural communities some of whom are illiterate and so video is the best way to capture testimonies. He is for example working with a pastor who works slaves/indentured workers in the brick kilns of Pakistan. The photos in the next section show the pastor, the ministry coordinator and the equipment we need.


8. Douglas Keesey -

What - Bible videos acted out orally in the language of the learner. (Specifically people with no written language) has a mission to reach the heart of every oral learner with the Word of God. Our vision is to accelerate the spread of the Gospel to the hardest-to-reach people groups in the world. Bible stories are acted out by native people in their own language and recorded by us so that those tribes who may not have a written language are still able to understand the Gospel. video Bible story libraries are offered at no charge to pastors or missionaries working with oral learning people groups. While recording, we pay for our own food and lodging and just ask the pastor or missionary we are working with to help us find a safe, comfortable place to stay. We pay for all of our own expenses.

Our stories cover Creation through the Resurrection, giving an overview of God’s redemption plan. The 20 stories are culled from the 40 stories that the International Mission Board uses in their Bible storying projects. These are relatively simple productions, but some special sound and visual effects are added when appropriate to advance the story, such as a glow for an angelic visitor or making water appear in an area like Kenya that rarely sees rain.

The cultural context is provided organically through the dress and setting of the people, supplemented by the occasional beard or costume. We do have established English narrations, but the final decision for translation/word choice is the decision of the pastor or missionary we are working with.

Once production is completed, the videos are distributed to the mission partner via SD card and/or digital download. They can then share them with their people group by computer, projector, through social messaging apps, YouTube, and by phone.

Our current project is a  video Bible story library for the Isan people of Northeastern Thailand. It will be recorded in two trips, filming 4 days each time, for a total of 8 days. (Dividing recording into two trips minimizes the amount of time the indigenous actors must take away from their regular job responsibilities.) Each trip will cost about $26,500, for a total of $53,000 to $54,000 to complete the Thai video Bible story library.

The $1,000 seed grant from Christian Global Outreach Ministries will help us meet half of the expense of video production equipment rental for one trip, as it costs us $550/day to rent equipment. One trip's video rental expense is $550 x 4, or $2,200.


9. Gary R Pettet -

What - Training church planters

My wife and I are common people, commissioned by the Lord Jesus Christ to Equip national pastors and churches to Evangelize the lost in their communities and to Establish new multiplying churches in Zimbabwe.  We have a passion to see our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ discover what God will do through His children as we obediently follow Him in pursuit of our Great Commission assignment to disciple the nations.

We are focusing on training national pastors to plant healthy, multiplying community transforming churches.   Any funds we might receive from this grant would be used exclusively for training Zimbabwean church leaders to establish new home churches.  We do not encourage or support building church buildings as it impedes rapid growth in a community.

Our prayer is that the Lord can work freely through us to evangelize and raise up disciples who will make disciples.   We partner with Zimbabwean brothers and sisters in Christ as well as North Americans to share their stories, Jesus story and to establish healthy, multiplying, community transforming churches.

Any funds received would be exclusively used for training pastors to plant healthy, multiplying, transformative churches in their communities.   Specifically, printing training materials, some of the expenses to join the training event, simple lunches during training days.   Each 2 day training event costs about $ 200-250 USD.  Our next scheduled training is in September 2023 in Plumtree, Zimbabwe.  Leaders from Zvishvane and Bulawayo are expected to assist in leading the training which includes reaching out into their communities with evangelism, and beginning the discipleship process for new believers.


10. Gregory S. Anderson  -

What – Greif support training program

I have been an Elder at my church for many years often praying with those in need of prayer and speaking with those who need encouragement in their faith.  I also am asked to officiate at funerals - often for those who do not have a church home.  I always try during these services to offer comfort to the grieving and hope that is found through Jesus.

A friend of mine (a former school counselor and fellow believer) have started a grief support group in our town.  Currently, there is not a grief support group being offered in our town.  We will be using the Grief Share format.

Grief Share only works through local churches.  My church, the Hibbing Alliance Church, has agreed to allow us to use their facilities and to help us to purchase the materials.  However, since there was no budgeted monies this year for this ministry, they have asked us to try to find sources of funding to reimburse the church for this expense.  The cost for this ministry will be $495.00.  This is what we are requesting the seed grant to cover.


11. Heather & George Genry Ellison

What – Medical missions

Our ministry was started in 2008 as a way of taking team members from all denominations and churches to Guatemala to provide food, medicine and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Since then, we have grown and have purchased property and built a feeding center in a small town. At the feeding center, 50+ children are provided a home cooked meal three days a week along with spiritual education in God's Word. We continue to take teams 2-3 times a year to Guatemala as well to provide for physical and spiritual needs.  Along the way, God continues to open doors at home in and around our local community and in other countries for us to preach His Word.

Our current needs are great and the vision that God has given is tremendous. We are currently working on redrilling a well on the property in El Tejar, Guatemala. We had two working wells and both of those were drilled by a ministry for us. But both wells have gone dry and we have been advised that the wells must but redrilled and go much deeper.  The cost for the new well will be approximately $68,000.  We are also working to build a wall around our recently purchased property. We were able to purchase property surrounding our current feeding center/mission house property and we are under construction to build the wall and secure the property. This property will include an extension of the mission house, as well as a playground for the feeding center children.  Once those projects are complete, we will begin the next phase, Casas de Nana. This gated community type complex will allow specific family groups in need to have temporary housing while gaining life and work experience and spiritual guidance that will help them get on their feet and move out on their own. The specific family groups include children raising their siblings and widows with children.

100% of all funds go directly to Guatemala and the work there. We would use funds to first assist in completing the wall and help us start the process of the new well. Feeding the 50+ children is also an ongoing expense. It costs $45 month per child.


12. Jocelyn Menguita Agpalo

Missions to provide glasses to those in need.

I've been doing mission in outreach in the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines.  I used to go home every 6 months or when health and budget available dictates.  I've been administering to villages for my "Share A Little Light Ministry and Outreach" thru reading glasses and used prescription glasses coupled with prayer ministry as I do home visit from house to house.  I currently supply flip flops, school supplies and food items in ministry.  I started this school supplies ministry and food ministry for the children along the seashore. There is too much scarcity of food.  Most families are lacking of food and every children I saw were mal-nourished and under-weight.  And mostly they are short and lacking of school supplies. Some are writing on ground with a dried stick  when the land is not wet in order for them to learn our songs and poems.  I started out this slipper/flipflop ministry for children who walk to school lots of miles on thorny roads without anything on their feet.  I am praying for your kind hearts to include these families and children in your prayers. We appreciate the resources from God-chosen servants like you, who has the heart to help these children and families.

Also I was led to start the “gift of sight” ministry.  One Sunday, I was invited to church to preach in a small church on the mountainside.  It was women's Sunday. They sang special music and in order for them to read their copies of the song there was only one pair of reading glasses that they passed from person to person, so that if someone has her turn to sing she could read the lyric of the song that were written on a piece pf paper.

A gift of sight thru reading glasses and used prescription glasses share a little light ministry.  Food for the hungry children ministry.  Slipper/Flipflop ministry for tired feet., School supplies ministry.

If awarded a grant, the money would be used to continue to buy reading glasses , school supplies , food like cookies and cup noodles, flipflop/slippers and paying for the cargo box or shipment if I send this item to the Philippines.


13. Kelly Hurtt

What – Friday Food and Faith Mission

In March of 2023 we started a ministry that we call Friday Fellowship. We invite anyone in our community to come together and share a meal. We are able to serve people who might not otherwise be able to have a meal and those who just want to come and enjoy fellowship with others. We also make hygiene items and clothing available to those who might need them.


We have found favor with 2 food banks in our area who have graciously helped provide some items for our ministry.

We provide a meal for anyone who wants to come but we also create relationships with people, share the love of Jesus with them and pray with them.

We have found that once we have created a relationship they are much more willing to receive the Gospel and they start trusting us enough to share their hopes, dreams, hurts, needs and prayer requests. We have seen God do amazing things and answer prayers in so many ways.

One man told us that he didn’t feel comfortable in church but the park ministry was his church. We were able to suggest a church in the area and I’m happy to report that he has found a new church home and was even baptized at that church this past Sunday. He is even seeing how important it is to serve.

I have seen people from completely different walks of life sit together and have great conversation. I witnessed a widow in our community who seemed to live comfortably and a homeless woman who lived out of her car. They sat together and shared a meal, but they also shared conversation. It was one of the most beautiful conversations I have ever seen as there was no difference in their position in life at that point. They just enjoyed each other’s company.

Our ministry provides a hot meal to the community. We are also able to meet basic needs like hygiene items and clothing. It also opens the door to share the gospel and pray for others.

The money from this grant would be used to purchase food to serve at the Friday Fellowship meal, plates, plastic silverware, napkins, disposable pans gloves for our servers to wear and hygiene items to hand out to any of our guests who need them.


14. Marion Platt, III

What – Provides housing and resources

Since 1904, Star Gospel Mission has specialized in providing those facing homelessness with safe, comfortable and affordable transitional housing in a Christ-centered setting. Our guests have an opportunity to experience a new beginning amd fresh start! In short, at Star Gospel Mission, they can get their lives back on track. We take in men just as they are, with a wide range of education, economics, faiths, racial and cultural backgrounds. That’s where the work of Jesus Christ begins! Star Gospel Mission believes that spirituality is an essential part of the healing process for men facing homelessness and addiction. The mission's staff members are committed to helping men find hope and restoration through their relationship with Jesus Christ.

Star Gospel Mission is requesting the Seed Grant fund the purchase of Celebrate Recovery Materials and Programs. Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered ministry that provides a safe and supportive environment for people to address their hurts, hang-ups, and habits. This is in line with Star Gospel Mission's mission to help their Mission Guests find hope and restoration through their relationship with Jesus Christ. Overall, Star Gospel Mission's use of Celebrate Recovery materials has the potential to be a valuable addition to their ministry. The program is Christ-centered, proven, flexible, and community-based, all of which are important factors in helping men find healing and transformation. This 12-step program is based on the Beatitudes and the principles of Christianity and has long been a program that leadership has desired to help Star Gospel Mission.

50%: The majority of the funds would be used to purchase Celebrate Recovery materials, such as the curriculum, workbooks, and other resources. These materials are essential for running a Celebrate Recovery group, and they provide participants with the tools they need to work through their recovery program.

25%: Twenty-five percent of the funds would be used to cover the costs of running the Celebrate Recovery group, such as utilities, and refreshments. These costs are necessary to ensure that the group can meet regularly and provide a safe and supportive environment for participants.

The remaining 25% will be used to train leaders who can facilitate Celebrate Recovery groups. This is important  because leaders play a critical role in the success of the program.


15. Robin Gibson -

What - Christian youth camp

EST. 1996, Camp Gideon a mission Trip in your own backyard, working with children, youth and adults through out GA.  Our mission is to Impact lives, community and culture for the Kingdom of God.  each year we reach over 8,000 people sharing the gospel and discipling.

Road repair; we have had much rain this year that has created wash out on the roads in and around the camp.  They are in need of mud removal, drainage repair and gravel

Any funding will be used to remove the mud and dirt form the from the drain culverts, reline with rock and re-gravel the roads for clear and safe travel in and around the facility.


16. Serlena Parks

What – Meals for seniors

Since January 1,2023 we have been providing studies, prayers and ministering on line to help others understand their relationship with God and how much they are loved. We have an event planned for August 20th to support families for back to school. Unfortunately we just started January of this year. I was inspired by the CGOM Boundless Summit (Opryland-Nashville) held last year.

Most of my work has been on line. Friday night studies and Sunday morning services. Set up to reach those lost and want to learn more about God and salvation. Since ordained by Christian Global Outreach I have performed funeral service, and have had the opportunity to minister to others and pray the prayer of salvation with them.

While our Seniors can still get around, some of them have health issues. It makes it difficult to cook. We want to be able to provide meals to show them the love of God. If they have not received God, we want to make sure we offer God to them before they come to the end of life.

Funds will be used to provide meals to elderly and vulnerable. We have an elderly communities with seniors on fixed income. We would prepare meals and deliver them as often as possible more so closer to the end of month. We plan to go door to door speaking with individuals to determine there needs share the word of God and Meals