Covenant vs. Resolution

2020 is finally over and resolutions are being made for 2021. As the uncertain events of 2020 have taught us, we know that sometimes our goals and aspirations are made especially hard to reach.
Several weight loss, health, relationship, academic, and workplace goals set at the beginning of 2020 have seemed nearly impossible to obtain during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Amidst all that 2020 brought, including the prevention of reaching goals, the cancellation of important events, and changes that I never thought we would have to endure, one thing was made very clear: God’s plan cannot be stopped. His promises to us are unconditional. He will always get the glory in every situation. Many have deemed 2020 “the worst year ever” and so on, but our God is a good God. He still accomplished EVERYTHING that He planned to accomplish this year and more. Our humanness prevents us from checking every box off of our checklist, but that is the beauty of God’s sovereignty, and that was made very evident this year.

There is a huge difference between a covenant and a resolution.
Resolutions are often forgotten by the second or third month of the new year. Challenges often get in the way of goals set as a part of a resolution, making them harder to achieve than one may have anticipated. Even before the pandemic interfered with plans, people often forgot about or gave up on their resolutions. Some may achieve one of their resolutions, but not all.
But a covenant from God is different. It is a promise that He will fulfill, and it is backed by His power. God never breaks His promises, and that is one thing that makes Him different.
Other world religions often require their followers to achieve certain goals in order for the god(s)’ promises to apply to them, but not God. His Word is faithful and true. He brings hope because we as Christians can rest and know that the promises given to us in His Word apply at all times, and that his will and purposes will be fulfilled.

All things work for the good of those who love God. This is another truth that was made very clear during the year 2020. I never imagined that I would live through such a unique and difficult time period, but I am glad that I have experienced the challenges of this past year.
2020 taught me more than any other year ever has, but it definitely was not easy to learn the lessons that God had in store. It was and still is easy to have a bad attitude about what we have experienced. It was and still is easy to be hateful, ignore blessings, wallow, etc., but I hope this reminder of God’s power will encourage you.
We made it through 2020; God brought us through. God got the glory through every loss and challenge. We have important stories to share. I encourage you to share your story. 2020 may have well been the “worst year ever” from a human perspective, but it was not meaningless for those that know Him. I could not imagine trying to walk through 2020 without God, yet some did. Sharing your experience and giving God the credit may lead someone to Christ who has no hope during this time.
Every year, I choose a word on January 1st that I call “my word of the year.” At the beginning of 2020, my word was “faithfulness,” and it rang true each and every day. For me 2020 will forever be remembered as the year of God’s faithfulness and provision upon our world. I encourage you to maintain a similar attitude.

Madison Burnette is a Religion major at Carson-Newman University. She is a Nashville native and an aspiring writer. In her free time, she enjoys watching sports, singing, reading, and trying local coffee shops with her friends. She has a heart for sharing the hope of Jesus with others through her platform. Her favorite Scripture is Psalm 73: 25-26.
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