Discerning the Voice of God

One of the toughest reoccurring questions often asked by Christ followers that comes to my mind sounds something like this: “How do I know if this is truly God speaking to me, or if I am simply getting in my own head and speaking to myself?”
If you have thought about this question before, maybe even more than once, you are not alone. I have pondered this topic, and I am sure if you were to ask a fellow Believer if they have ever had a question similar to this, he/she would say yes. It is not uncommon to wonder, and it does not make you inadequate if you have questions.
I believe that God brought you to this blog post for a reason, and I am so glad that you’re here. I am writing today in order to tackle this frequently asked spiritual question with you, to provide some encouragement, and point you to Jesus as you read. You are welcome here, and I hope that you will learn along with me and leave feeling empowered in the Spirit.
The Bible tells us that every good gift is from the Lord (James 1;17), and He will always bring a good work to completion in the name of Jesus (Philippians 1:6). We also know that God does not give us a spirit of fear, but a spirit of power, love, and sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7). God’s Word tells us that He does not put feelings of fear, anxiety, rage, or despair upon His children. The enemy uses feelings to attack God’s people, get in their way, and stop them from ministering to others.
We have the power to speak the truth of the Bible over ourselves in order to wash ourselves clean of initial negative thoughts toward a difficult situation that we must face. We have the power to pray in Jesus’ name, and the devil must leave, because he does not have power over the God that lives in the hearts of His people. The same power that defeated death is inside us, and no force of evil has the power to overthrow the authority that God has given us. Know that, believe that, live that.
It’s time to establish a game plan to eliminate the effects of toxic thoughts in our lives.
Step 1: Pray. Pray and ask God to remind you that He is always good, even when our circumstances say otherwise. Ask God to remind you of your finite mind and humanness, but also to remind you of His supernatural strength that covers you and carries you through every situation. Ask God to remove these thoughts from your mind and replace it with Scripture. Pray that God will receive glory for whatever you are walking through. Pray that people would see the light of Jesus through you and want to know more about Him because of your actions.
Step 2: Read Scripture. Memorize scripture to speak over yourself whenever you’re going through a valley of doubt. It can be written on a note card, it can be posted on your phone screen, or it can even be in the form of a song. Find ways to praise Him through a storm, and each storm becomes much easier.
Step 3: Community. Find your community of believers and do life with them. Create your inner circle of friends that you can share with, laugh with, cry with, and everything in between. These people should be Christ followers as well, so that they can lift you up and help direct you down the right path. We were not created to do this life alone. The people that we surround ourselves with are so important to our faith walk – they can make us or break us. Your tribe is the group you can go to if you want to celebrate or if you need to mourn. Find this group and do not be afraid to ask for help. They will help you learn and make you better.
Step 4: Share. Tell others your testimony. It will help you build a strong game plan for the future, as well as help others as they walk through similar situations. God created us to make disciples, and this is a huge step in developing the Kingdom of God.
Remember: If you continue to have toxic thoughts, that is completely normal, as it is our initial reaction as humans to reject hardships. We have to remember that we are sinful humans that live in a fallen world. With that said, we do have the power to eliminate the effects of such thoughts in our lives, because we are in control of how we think, feel, and react. We will still experience hardships. However, we have control over our reactions. Often, difficult and trying situations turn into valuable learning experience that brings a Believer closer to God, strengthens their faith, and allows them to help and serve others as well. Look for one, simple good thing in every situation and set your focus on how you can amplify that one good thing for the glory of God. God is on your side, whom shall you fear?
I pray that this blog changes you, sparks something inside you, and brings you joy because you know that you belong to the King of the Universe who will never stop fighting for you. Feel free to email any prayer requests and/or praise reports to support@christianglobaloutreach.org. Be mindful, be kind, and serve admirably.
Madison Burnette, CGOM Ministry Services Manager