Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Do I have to be a Christian to get ordained through this ministry?
Yes. Minister Now! was developed as part of Christian Global Outreach Ministries, to "provide ordination materials to all people who profess Christian faith and the desire to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ."
Will my ordination be recognized in my city, state, country?
As an ordained minister with Christian Global Outreach Ministries, you are a member of the clergy in the US and all over the world. Our mission is to help those seeking ordination to "go ye therefore, and teach all nations..." Matt.28:19. Along with the documents we send you, we also keep your ordination records on file for lifetime verification.
If you plan to perform a wedding or other legal service, you must check with the local marriage license office in the wedding city to get the procedures for being recognized. Each state has different guidelines and it is your responsibility to make sure that you have done all of the things necessary to be recognized. This post will show you how to have a stress free and LEGAL ceremony. how-to-register-to-perform-a-wedding
This will be my first wedding, do you offer help to get me started?
Yes. If you're just starting out, we are here to help you get the ordination credentials needed and help with ministry resources to answer questions you may have. Our goal is to support you in being successful. Here's a great post Registering to Officiate Your First Wedding .
Do I have to pay for a renewal?
No, there is no renewal fee. Once you are ordained, we keep a lifetime record of your ordination credentials on file. You are able to purchase other ordination items (certificate, id card, etc.) but there are no other fees needed as long as you remain in good standing with our ministry.
What are ordained ministers able to do?
Ordained Christian ministers are able to:
- Perform weddings, baptisms, and other ceremonies
- Start your own ministry
- Minister Internationally
- Serve as a chaplain
It is important to check local regulations and those of other organizations who may have additional requirements to determine eligibility.
Is this Really Real? Is Being Ordained Online Right For Me?
Christian Global Outreach is a real ministry, based in Nashville, TN. We have ministers with over 20 years of ministry experience.
We do have amazing ministers doing great things all over the world. Here are a few of our ministers in action.
People just like you are currently using their ordination documents to serve in ministry. Visit our CGOM DIRECTORY to find ministers in your area and to add yourself or your ministry to the list.
The internet can be challenging. If you aren't sure that being ordained online is right for you, we do advise you to contact a local ministry in your area.
How long does my ordination last?
Ordination is Lifetime to all ministers who walk in integrity serving in Christian ministry. There are no additional renewal fees needed after you are ordained. We keep a lifetime record of your ordination credentials on file.
How do I "Remain In Good Standing" with this ministry?
As a Christian ministry who is covering you as an ordained minister we have to qualifications for good standing:
- Your walk in integrity as a Christian, following the mandates as written in the Bible.
- You remain in communication with us. This is as simple as opening at least 1 email from us every 3 months. Just as if you were with a local ministry, we must be able to show that we are in communication with you to ensure that questions, concerns and spiritual guidance are provided.
What special training do I need?
Education and training are always a good thing. Our website and email updates are designed to help with online resources, materials and support to help you grow your ministry!
We also have CGOM Academy to expand your Christian education.
Have Another Question? Email us