Ministers In Action – April 2022

We love highlight the amazing work being done by our MIAs or Ministers In Action.
Take a moment to check out these warriors! We hope that their work inspires you, and look forward to seeing the astounding work that YOU are doing, too! Make sure to leave a comment below to encourage them!

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Minister Ray E. White
I just wanted to touch base and report some of my activities. I am currently a lay-minister working with Countryside Christian Fellowship, Lebanon, Indiana. I’ve participated in services as a church musician 40 times, taught the adult Sunday School class 18 times, and delivered five sermons on behalf of the pastor in his absence. I conducted a personal fundraiser for the benefit of the Salvation Army, and raised $685 for their General Fund. I also made an annual donation to the Lee University (Cleveland, TN) Alumni Fund.
I am praying for the success of your ministry as well. God bless you!

Have you been hoping to be more active in ministry, but you don’t know how to get started? We have partnered with our friends at Start Church to get answers to those tough questions. Geoffrey Hearn has set time on his calendar to answer any questions you may have.
Use this link Talk to Geoffrey to schedule your your free session to get those answers.

Minister Jocelyn Agpalo
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! This is Minister Jocelyn Agpalo. Just sharing my ministry to less-fortunate children and their families in the Philippines. I have 6 outreach sites in the northern island of Luzon in the Philippines where in I extend: Food ministry, Prayer and Bible Reading ministry, Slippers/Flipflops ministry, School Supplies ministry, Preaching ministry and “Share A Little Light ministry” thru used/new reading glasses and prescription glasses.
I need you prayers from all of my dear brethren in Christ for the Lord’s provision for to fund 6 big boxes of school supplies and reading glasses the I collected for the whole year for these less-fortunate children and their families. The cost of 1 big box for cargo shipping is $65.00.
Please pray for Jesus provisions to be poured so that I could send these boxes to give even just a little smile on the faces of these children and for these reading glasses to give a little light to the eyes of the recipients. If you know somebody who has missionary heart and willing to help please share!
Thank you for ordaining me as one of your ministers. Now I can do more ceremonies like wedding, baby-baptism and many other services that families in the families in my outreach are always cannot afford to pay. Our Christ will bless you more abundantly!
Sharing to you some of my photos in my outreach sites. Blessings to all.

CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God. We appreciate the work of this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Check out previous newsletters and additional resources.

From Texas to Tennessee or England, Canada, Australia, Africa and beyond. We are connecting with you in your own neighborhood.
The CGOM Ministerial Alliance is launching soon. If you are interested in being part of a local group in your area.

Want to be featured in our next newsletter? Send an email with photos of yourself in action, with a description to:
Have you been hoping to be more active in ministry, but you don’t know how to get started? We have partnered with our friends at StartChurch to get answers to those tough questions. Geoffrey Hearn has set time on his calendar to answer any questions you may have. Use this link Talk to Geoffrey to schedule your your free session to get those answers.
Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers to love without limits, share boldly.
No matter how or where you serve, Serve Admirably!
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