Ministers In Action August 2018

We always get amazing reports from our ministers and we want to share.

I wanted to share a picture of just a few of the children [out of many] that I teach daily!!
This is Minister Helton.
I just wanted to let you know everything is going wonderful!! The Lord has blessed me with a powerful message to bring out. He has blessed me in my child care to teach the children daily about His Word.
Thank you again for helping me to spread the Word even more, God bless you and cause His face to shine upon you!!
They learned to follow Jesus!!

Minister H. Wallace
I truly appreciate you and the work that you are doing in the Lord’s vineyard.I want to thank you for providing a pathway for me to officiant my daughter’s wedding on this past Sunday. It was short notice, but the faithfulness of God’s Spirit gave me the utterance to speak forth His word.May the greater grace of God continue to use you as His instrument to illuminate His oracles.
This is Minister Smucker,
I have been asked to go on a mission for 10 days to the Philippines. It will be quite an experience because I have never done anything like this before and I have no idea what to expect.
I will be going in November over Thanksgiving I am really excited and a little Nervous.
I know the Holy Spirit will move.
Minister Walker
Thank you for all your help and encouragements!
I am currently enrolling in Christian Leader Institute Online college to further my educations and help spread our Fathers Gospel!
Thank you again and may the Lord our God continue to Bless you and us all as we teach his word!
Thank you for all your help and encouragements!
I am currently enrolling in Christian Leader Institute Online college to further my educations and help spread our Fathers Gospel!
Thank you again and may the Lord our God continue to Bless you and us all as we teach his word!
Minister Gallagher
Thank you so much! I have a page titled “Officiating Service”
Share your news!
Email us at to share pictures of you in action, along with updates and we will feature you in an upcoming post!
Serve Admirably!
The CGOM Team
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