Ministers In Action July 2021

Periodically, we like to highlight the amazing work being done by our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.” Take a moment to check out these warriors! We hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too! Get information on sharing your good work, and leave a comment below.
Floret Ikome
Something that CGOM loves and admires about Floret is that he is bold, excited, and ready for action. He has an amazing attitude that is not only contagious, but makes him readily available for God to use. Here’s what Minister Ikome had to say about his latest ministry endeavor:
“I just returned from an incredible 5 week mission trip to Cameroon during which the love, grace, provision, and power of our God was incredibly manifested, by His Word that was preached, by the Spirit of the Lord and His provisions to multitudes – Widows, orphans, churches and many needy people in the body of Christ.
James 1:27 “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted from the world”

May 30. Demonstrating the Word preached by giving to widows of the Church at the end of the service.
June 6. Demonstrating the Word preached by giving to the needy of the Church at the end of the service.
June 23. Delivering keynote address to Widows at the International Day of the Widow in the City of Limbe in Cameroon.

This news is so encouraging, Floret! You are doing great things in the name of Jesus and your CGOM family is incredibly proud! We are so glad to hear that your ordination has made a way for you to share the gospel around the world. Keep up the good work!
Delissa Jordan
Since becoming ordained under CGOM, Delissa has started her podcast ministry called “360 Ministries.” Her podcast can be found on Spotify and Anchor – two great platforms with millions of users that need to hear God’s Word!

Minister Jordan says that her podcast is “a place where lives are being turned around a full 360, one soul at a time!” She also broadcasts that “all are welcomed” within her platform. What an amazing message! We admire your spirit of acceptance. This world is broken and searching, and CGOM prays that just the right person finds her podcast at the exact moment that they need it most. Keep changing lives in Jesus’ power, Delissa!
James Verdi
James is the front man of Laborers 4 Christ Ministries. From the beginning, James has been open and prepared to go wherever and do whatever God had called him to do. “In answering the call to evangelize and visit churches, the vision of the ministry began with unifying the body of Christ and breaking down the walls of division. James will continue to follow the calling on his life and travel each destination assigned by his Savior through the leading of the Holy Spirit.” What a heart he has!

“We at Laborers 4 Christ ministries have been steadfast in prayers and maintained church services throughout the pandemic. We have suffered loss and mourned as some of our family members went on to be with the Lord , but have been able to rejoice in our faith in Christ. It’s amazing to see the growth personally and corporately even amidst an outbreak such as this. God has blessed and enabled us to live stream and record all services on to our website.
We are in the process of connecting with local ministries to launch an outreach to unify our community. We are grateful for the support of our spiritual coverings such as… Christian Global Outreach. Our prayers go out to and stand in agreement with the rest of the true church and body of Christ.”
Minister Verdi is on fire for the Lord and His will for the people! Unity is such an important part of Christianity. We are so proud of James for equipping the Body with the right tools!
(Spencia) Kim Howard
Kim has used her ordination to perform multiple Christ-centered weddings! Her ministry is called “Marriageisnot4punks LLC” and her services include “mobile wedding officiant services, mobile notary and, pre-marital coaching…”

Pre-marital counseling is a key part of the engagement stage that is often forgotten. We are pleased to hear that Minister Howard is leading future spouses toward a healthy, loving, Christ-filled marriage that the Bible talks about!
Divorce rates are rising, but good counseling can change that. Keep serving, Kim!
Shunie Reid
House of Truth and Purpose, also known as HOTAP, is Shunie’s “mobile ministry in a technology era.” She is using her knowledge and resources to reach people right where they are! She is ambitious, resourceful, intelligent, and doesn’t wait for someone else to get the job done.

Via HOTAP’s website: “…Shunie Reid places emphasis on all aspects of spirituality, physical, emotional and behavioral health in all age groups. She is also enthusiastic about psychosocial issues affecting women and founded HOTAP Ministries International as a medium to reach diverse nations. When she is not leading our ministry in prayer or reflection, [Shunie’s] favorite hobbies include cooking, motivational speaking, travelling, bowling, writing, and teaching, among others. Her dream is to see women more supportive of each other and connected by a positive mission.”
Your passion is beautiful, Minister Reid! We know that your light attracts others to Jesus and we are so proud of you for starting so many stable, quality ministries that serve others!
Want to be featured in our next newsletter? Send an email with photos of yourself in action to:
Thank you for reading our Ministers In Action Newsletter! Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Congratulations to this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Check out previous newsletters and additional resources.
Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers to love without limits, share boldly, and serve admirably!

CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God and it is our honor to share. No matter how or where you serve, Serve Admirably!
Compiled by Madison Burnette, CGOM Staff Writer
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