Ministers In Action Newsletter – April 2020

Periodically, we like to highlight the amazing work being done by amazing ministers. We call them our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.”
Take a moment to check out these warriors! We hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too!
Minister Kevin George has been on mission for Christ since the moment that he became a CGOM Minister. He has recently been on a successful mission trip to Nicaragua.
Minister George said, “Being ordained with CGOM has opened new doors for me and I can’t wait to see what happens when I walk through the next door that Christ has opened for me.”
What an amazing testimony! We admire the faith, confidence, and persistence that the Lord has gifted Minister George. We will continue to pray for you, the wonderful group of children of God in your photos, and your awesome ministry. Serve on, Kevin!

Minister Randy Strack was blessed with the opportunity to officiate his granddaughter’s wedding in Alma, Michigan. Because of COVID-19, the couple had to quickly change their wedding venue, and also had to limit the number of guests present.
As Minister Strack said, “We kept the required social distance and God richly blessed us!” We are so happy to hear that God is getting the glory through this difficult time.
Congrats to the happy pair, and great job, Minister Randy Strack!

Minister Terrell Curry has a heart for Jesus, people, and sharing the good news. After much prayer and consideration, Minister Curry began his special ministry as the Lord granted him an unbeatable opportunity.
Minister Curry said, “The Lord gave me DOVE Ministries (Daughters Of Virtue by Election). This ministry was geared to at-risk daughters. Through this ministry, was birthed One Way In Ministries.”
Minister Curry has pioneered several different ministries, making the glory of God known to all who encounter him. Way to go, Minister Terrell Curry! Continue to serve without hindrance.

A message from Minister Robert Crawford: “I just wanted to share with you how God is continuing to open doors for ministry. God has teamed me up with another Pastor in my area and we are preparing to launch a Men’s Ministry that goes beyond what most people think a Men’s Ministry is all about. The ministry is not secluded to any one church, all men are invited. The purpose (is) to draw men closer to one another in brotherhood and accountability, as well as closer to Christ, and teaching them how to be free of strongholds, unforgiveness, failures, and setbacks while strengthening their faith in Christ and themselves.”
Minister Crawford would like to end his message with Jude 1: 24-25. What a story of love that he shared.

Minister Ray White has an awesome report to share:
Taught Adult Sunday School:16
Visitations: 4
Minister White explained that he has learned the importance of flexibility in ministry, a tip that he would like to share with his fellow CGOM ministers. We cannot wait to see Minister White’s next report! God has given him so many gifts and opportunities. How encouraging!

Minister Karen Mitchell is a Registered Nurse (RN) and an active minister and servant of the Lord. She has dedicated much of her time over the last few months to helping patients during the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as making them smile while sharing Jesus with them.
Minister Mitchell has a beautiful heart for people, the Lord, and her job. We love you, Minister Mitchell! We are so proud of all that you do for the Kingdom. Continue to serve boldly, Karen! Please send Minster Mitchell and her family prayers during this season.

As you can see, our CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God. It makes our team so excited to hear from our ministers. We love to know about the things that you are doing!
If you are interested in being featured in our next newsletter, please email with photos of yourself in action!
Thank you for reading our April 2020 Ministers In Action Newsletter! Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Congratulations to this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers too love without limits, share boldly, and serve admirably!
Newsletter written by Madison Burnette, CGOM Ministry Services Coordinator
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