Ministers In Action Newsletter – August 2020

Periodically, we like to highlight the amazing work being done by amazing ministers. We call them our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.” Soon, we hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too!
Take a moment to check out these warriors!
Meet Minister Y-Dhom Mlo
Minister Y-Dhon Mlo is a pastor at a small church in North Carolina, where she counsels to those in need. She also leads worship and ministers in the children’s ministry.
“Every Saturday, we have YMee kids club where I would teach them bible study and do activities at my house. We also put together plays and concerts to spread the gospel to others friends and families and other kids in the community.”
– YDhom MIo
Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”
Thank you Minister YDhom MIo for being the hands and feet of God in your church community and, especially, in the lives of these children even during a pandemic. We pray that the Lord would bless you as you bless those around you.
Meet Minister Limalemba Jamir!
Minister Jamir had plans to move to India with his family this summer to start a church plant, women’s ministry, and children’s ministry; however, God had other plans.
This summer, as the world was in disarray and under the pressures of the global pandemic, Covid-19, Minister Jamir’s plans were interrupted as he and his family faced obstacles in their originally-planned move.
As a result, they decided to stay in the United States and continue to do God’s will, virtually.
“Right now, we will remain in the states and do what is best for us and God’s plan.”
– Minister Jamir
In light of the humanitarian food crisis that erupted in India and Columbia as Covid-19 cased increased, Minister Jamir and his family decided to raise funds for families in these countries. They were able to provide for 39 families.
We are so proud of Minister Jamir and his resilience in the face of obstacles! May God continue to bless you as you enhance the Kingdom.
Please reach out to Minister Jamir if you would like to contribute to the hunger relief in Columbia and India.
Thank you for reading our August Ministers In Action Newsletter! Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition!
If you are interested in being featured in our next newsletter, please email with photos of yourself in action!
Congratulations to this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers to serve admirably!
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