Ministers In Action – February 2022

We love highlight the amazing work being done by our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.” Take a moment to check out these warriors! We hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too! We hope that their work inspires you, and we hope that you leave a comment below to encourage them!

Minister Kyla Collins
Missions is an amazing service to the Body of Christ. Hear from Minister Collins on her recent trip.
I was in Nairobi Africa, working with women and children with HIV/AIDS doing spiritual seminars, delivering food in the slums and went to Kakamega and built a home. We also went to a prison and ministered shared our testimony 14 men surrendered their life to Christ…
Thank you, and may God bless you always.
Are You Meeting Us In Nashville?

The Historic Opryland Hotel
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Everyone Loves Weddings

Minister Dave Jackson
Minister Jackson shares this photo after officiating the wedding of Jacob and Korrine Hickman.

Minister Mphapantshi Reuben Makhurupetji
Minister Makhurupetji performing a wedding ceremony in Gauteng, South Africa .

Minister Frank Feldt
Minister Feldt was able to officiate the ceremony of his lovely daughter!

Minister David Redden
Hi there, I officiated my first wedding. I was honored to marry a couple of new found friends in this small town that we moved to. The Lord led me to meet the future groom while we were camped at the local KOA. The Holy Spirit continued to move us to a closer friendship where we got to meet his future bride. Long story short, they reached out to me to ask if I would marry them!
Ministry is Everywhere

Minister Edwin E. Vicente
Thank You! As minister this is my first Christmas with the less fortunate children of Brgy. Biday, here in San Fernando City, La Union, Philippines.
Acknowledging me as a minister member of CGOM means a lot to me.
Minister Vicente, your work means a lot to us!

Minister Rich Johnson
Minister Johnson is spreading the Gospel all over the internet. Hear and watch is amazing work!
My name is Rich and I have started an Online Ministry: Lost & Found Ministry (Luke 15:32)
I’m currently spreading God’s message on 3 online platforms.
Instagram @ibelieve_getready
TikTok @ibelieve_getready
Facebook I believe God First
Make sure to visit Minister Johnson online and share his great work on your social media. It is a lot better than cute cat photos!

Minister Charles Brown
Here is a picture of me doing a Memorial service for a friend who pasted away of Covid-19 .
It was sad, but yet we celebrated her precious life of 60 years. Thank you for reaching out to me and God bless!
One of the toughest assignments of any minister is to perform a funeral. Thank you for your admirable service in the face of grief. Well done!
Thank you for reading our Ministers In Action Newsletter!
CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God. We appreciate the work of this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Check out previous newsletters and additional resources.
Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers to love without limits, share boldly. No matter how or where you serve, Serve Admirably!

Want to be featured in our next newsletter? Send an email with photos of yourself in action along with a description to:
Have you been hoping to be more active in ministry, but you don’t know how to get started? We have partnered with our friends at StartChurch to get answers to those tough questions. Geoffrey Hearn has set time on his calendar to answer any questions you may have. Use this link Talk to Geoffrey to schedule your your free session to get those answers.
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