Ministers In Action – May 2023

Christian Global Outreach is blessed to have a growing community of ministers all over the US and the world who are actively engaged in ministry. We love to share the work from our ministers to the Glory of Jesus Christ. Check out this month’s Ministers in Action.
We hope that you are inspired to make a difference in your community. Please take a moment to encourage these amazing ministers in the comments below.
Minister Cynthia Patton
My name is Cynthia Patton, I am ordained with Global Christian Outreach. I am founder & pastor Of Abundant Grace Outreach which is a Ministry to widows, orphans, and the poor.
During the pandemic, I’ve been teaching a weekly Bible Study at an assisted living facility serving 12 widows. I have been mentoring social work students and facilitating an anger management group at a social service agency. I also am leading seminars in the Spiritual Disciplines Of Stillness and Praying the Scriptures.
One woman testified of receipt her healing while in my Be Still & Know Seminar.
I appreciate the opportunity to be connected with Global Christian Outreach and to read of others ministering in unique ways.

Minister Kevin George
Missions Trip to Nicaragua – I hope this video makes it to you and that you find it useful in your newsletter. I can’t begin to tell you what an honor that is. I hope this video might be of some use to you all. Thanks.

Minister Lisa Carpenter – Divine Ministries Outreach Inc
I am a strong believer in the Lord Jesus Christ and stepped out Faith by starting a Youth Outreach in my home, to teach at risk youth about Jesus, learning to love themselves, and teaching them life skills.
We provided feeding, testimonies, outside events, prizes, school supplies, and prayer for each youth and their families. We are in our 9th Year Community Outreach.
Thank you so much!!

Minister Allen Filson
Here is a photo of my first men’s retreat.
Leading this group of men to be more committed to God was an amazing experience. We spent 4 days together and by the end of the retreat not only were lives changed, but long lasting friendships were made as well.
We dug deep into recapturing the masculine heart and discovering your place as a Christian man in today’s society.
Warren Wills Men’s Retreat
[Also featured is Minister Charles Driskell]

Minister James Verdi
Bless the Lord! I am pastor JamesVerdi. We at Laborers 4 Christ ministries have been steadfast in prayers.
God has blessed us to live stream and record all services on to our website. We are in the process of connecting with local ministries to launch an outreach to unify our community.
We are grateful for the support of our spiritual coverings such as Global church fellowship, Word of life ministries, and Christian Global Outreach Ministries.
Our prayers go out to and stand in agreement with the rest of the true church and Body of Christ. Visit us online at

Need a New Copy of Your Ordination Documents?
Minister Obed Mambwe
Dear brethren in the Lord,
I come again to show you a photo for our church members received tracts and I am on the right hand side on photo holding Bible wearing a black trouser and black jacket.
Another photo,I am Obed holding Study Bible for my personal use.
With much of love.

Minister John Wright
Here’s a photo from my first Wedding Ceremony.

Our mission is to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Christian Global Outreach Ministries is devoted to equipping Christians to spread the Gospel throughout the ends of the earth.
It is our heart to provide information, community, and ordination support to strengthen ministers and spread the message of Jesus Christ.
Our foundation is Matthew 28:19 “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost”.
Amazing ministers like you help us to get it done!
Serve Admirably!
Want to be featured in an upcoming issue? We love sharing what our ministers are doing in their communities. If you would like to be featured, send us a few snaps of yourself in action. Email them to: .
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