Ministers In Action Newsletter – July 2020

Periodically, we like to highlight the amazing work being done by amazing ministers. We call them our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.” Take a moment to check out these warriors! Soon, we hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too!
Minister Sidar Moreno has performed a wedding and two baptisms over the course of his ordination with CGOM! He was very excited to share the news with our loving family. We are so happy to see the amazing things that our ministers accomplish every day with the skills and gifts that God has given them. Ministers like Mr. Moreno bring glory to His name with their ordination, and we are proud to have him as a part of our ministry! Congratulations, Minister Moreno!

Minister Timothy Brown has an exciting update to share with the CGOM Community:
“I have been living legally in Brazil for over 21 years. My wife and I have a house in San Paulo. I legally registered my own business/firm, August 1999. I teach and train corporate executives, CEO’s, and managers of 500 fortune companies and corporations, clients from banks as well. I am temporarily here in the United States promoting my Christian music CD. I am a Christian recording artist and musician. We are preparing to fly back to Brazil. My calling is Brazil. Thousands of youth are waiting for me, and I am preparing to organize evangelistic outreach crusades in large venues to reach and rescue the unloved, the forgotten, unaccepted, unwanted, the nobody’s of society.”
We are so proud of Minister Brown and his amazing Christian music record! Please reach out to Minister Brown and support his amazing skills. Great job on your work and passion for the Kingdom, Timothy!

Minister Jacqueline Turner shared the following photo of her grandchildren gathering for Morning Chapel before starting the school day. She writes,
“It has been such a gift to be able to have this time with two of our grandchildren. They made the transition to virtual school without missing a beat. In the midst of missing their friends, and managing disappointment and the unexpected changes to their lives, they have maintained both good grades, and good attitudes—That is no small accomplishment, given the magnitude of the uncertainty and natural anxiety during these unprecedented times! They are learning, that it times like these, we come together as a family to support each other. More importantly, they have had the opportunity to experience the Truth that God truly goes before us (long before troubled times come our way) to make provision for all that we need. I stand humbly in Awe of Him this day, filled to over-flowing with gratitude and wonder.”
Wow, what a beautiful display of hope in time of uncertainty. The worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic did not stop these two children from praising God and making the best of a difficult situation. Thank you, Minister Turner, for shining and light and sharing encouragement with the CGOM team and family. Blessings to you!

Minister Greg Beck is a new CGOM Minister. He was very excited to share that he performed his first wedding, and it was an extra special event! Here is what he has to say:
“[This photo] shows me signing the marriage certificate for my niece and her new husband at their wedding on July 3 in Hennepin County, MN. She asked me to officiate her wedding last year. That is when I reached out to CGOM to obtain my ordination credentials so that I could officially conduct that wedding ceremony. Everyone present (which was only 17 people due to the corona virus outbreak) remarked that I did a good job at the wedding. That was nice to hear!”
Wow, what an awesome report! We love to see our ministers taking part in their family and friends’ special days. Congrats on your ceremony, Minister Beck!

Minister Cynthia Patton would not let the global pandemic stop her from ministering to those she loves. She has a unique and important ministry that we are eager to share with our CGOM family! Take a look:
“My name is Cynthia Patton, I am ordained with Global Christian Outreach. I am founder & pastor Of Abundant Grace Outreach which is a Ministry to widows, orphans, and the poor. During the pandemic, I’ve been teaching a weekly Bible Study at an assisted living facility serving 12 widows. I have been mentoring social work students and facilitating an anger management group at a social service agency. I also am leading seminars in the Spiritual Disciplines Of Stillness and Praying the Scriptures. I appreciate the opportunity to be connected with Global Christian Outreach and to read of others ministering in unique ways during the COVID-19 crisis.“
We are so proud of your work, Minister Patton! Keep it up, no matter what! Be steadfast in your ministry!

Minister Lisa Carpenter has a heart for children. She not only teaches them about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but also about how to be a successful member of society. She says,
“I have stepped out in my Faith for the last 19 years. I started doing Youth Outreach in my home teaching that risk youth about the basics of Jesus, learning to love themselves, and teaching them life skills. I have promoted my Ministry from year to year with community involvement to present programs as an outreach. My my ministry has provided feeding, testimonies, outside events, prizes, school supplies, and prayer for each your and their families. We are in our 9th Year Community Outreach that we have planned for 8/29/20. We plan to feed 100-200 people, provide a word of encouragement, and small gifts of appreciation. We have just been restored by God to get in a building to provide resources, spiritual Counseling, Bible studies, refreshments, and a life opportunity to change.”
We absolutely love this idea! Keep up the good work, Lisa!

Minister Ted Hohenstein is using his musical talents to glorify God and make beautiful sounds for the Lord. He said,
“I’ve been singing all my life. Dad used get out his guitar and we’d play for hours. I played drums in high school. I figured out that if I wanted to sing, I better learn something besides drums. So, learned to play guitar. The part that is amazing and truly God’s hand is I never wrote a song until I committed my life to Christ at age 47. I’m known for writing from the heart.”
What a wonderful way to be known! Minister Ted has a very special testimony that will reach hundreds of people through his music. Keep rocking!

As you can see, our CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God. It makes our team so excited to hear from our ministers. We love to know about the things that you are doing!
If you are interested in being featured in our next newsletter, please email with photos of yourself in action!
Thank you for reading our July Ministers In Action Newsletter! Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Congratulations to this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers too love without limits, share boldly, and serve admirably!
Newsletter by: Madison Burnette, CGOM Ministry Services Manager

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