Ministers In Action Newsletter – June 2020

Periodically, we like to highlight the amazing work being done by amazing ministers. We call them our “MIAs” or “Ministers In Action.” Take a moment to check out these warriors! Soon, we hope to see pictures from the astounding work that YOU are doing, too!
Minister Roxanne Tonkin is new to the CGOM family. However, her ministry is booming! She said,
“I was only recently ordained through CGOM [this past April]. My ministry for the past 5 years has been in service to my own local church and to the eldercare communities in my own and surrounding counties [reading ‘The Harmonized Gospel Story of the Four Scrolls’ to a lonely audience hungry to feel the presence of the Lord, twice per week.] I am so thankful for God’s timing and grace…that He led me to CGOM at this crucial time so that I could smoothly transition my ministry efforts to the streets [since all other doors have closed now, due to the pandemic]. This ministry, Pasture of Hope, strives to keep God’s Word and the ‘presence’ of the Kingdom of God alive and well in the hearts and minds of our local community. We now provide Open-Air Communion to our starving public once per month, and we march for the Lord twice per week—both [thank the Lord] to a very grateful community! Thank you, CGOM, for standing in the gap and doing what you can to get the shepherds to the flock!”
The photo submitted with this story says it all. What a testimony Minister Tonkin has!

Minister Donald Evans, an author, minister, and magician, released a book called “See it, Believe it!” The book description is as follows: “An in-depth guide to teaching the Scriptures and Gospels using the skills and techniques of a stage magician. He says that.
The book covers the techniques of a stage magician with a focus on how to design, format and plan a show to teach the Good News and serve the Lord through these methods. A perfect guide for Gospel magicians, clergy, religion instructors, or anyone wishing to spread the Gospel with these methods.
He has been able to share the gospel on stage around the United States. What an awesome way to share! You are such an encouragement, Minister Evans! Congrats!

Minister Michael Lawrence has created a unique way to conduct a church service. He shared a great report with us regarding his advancing ministry! He shared,
“We have been conducting drive up services at our church, Mt. Mission Church, on top of Brush Mountain in Blacksburg, VA. So far, we haven’t had any rain or bad weather to hinder our services for at least the last five Sundays…God is good! I am a full time truck driver and I Pastor Mt. Mission Church.
I spread the gospel, while traveling, by being a Gideon’s helper and passing out bibles along the way. God has blessed our little church since I was ordained through the Christian Global Outreach Ministries last year. My father-in law passed away last March leaving my wife and I in charge of his flock he led for 40 years. We have had 3 saved and one re-dedication in the past year.
God is also continuing to work miracles in the lives of the families that worship there. I would like to thank you for your organization and also thank God for leading me to you all. Three people were led to Jesus… Amen! “
Nothing can stop our God. Thank you for sending in this awesome story, Minister Lawrence! Keep them coming!

Minister Donna Adibe ministers by opening her home to citizens in her community for fellowship and Bible study. She explained,
[My] Ministry work [is] Bible study and Theology teaching in my home. [I was] awarded the Humanitarian Award by State Representative Shelia Jackson Lee in my Community. [We enjoy] taking youth to do community services for the homeless, such as Sending clothes, items and food to children in orphans in Africa and Haiti. After ministry, just soaking in His presence.”
Wow! Minister Donna is so loving and kind to those around her. She graciously provides her home as a welcoming space for people to study the Word and build lasting friendships. Great work! Prayers for your ministry!

Minister Steven Closs is a highly respected law enforcement officer and ordained minister through CGOM. His wide range of experience, education, and skills earned him an extremely honorable position. Minister Closs says,
“My name is Minister Steven Closs, an ordained minister of the Christian Global Outreach Ministries. As a retired Captain of Police for the Nashua NH Police Department, I wanted to give back to the police department and community that I had served for 24 years.
Because of my Ordination with Christian Global Outreach Ministries and my law enforcement experience, I was appointed as the Nashua NH Police Department Chaplain in 2018. Since then I have served proudly and actively for the past two years. I was recently certified in Critical Incident Stress Debriefing and am now a member of the Nashua Police Department’s Critical Incident Management Team. My primary focus is ministering to the police officers, civilian support staff, and their families. Thank you so much for helping to make this dream come true!”
We are so moved by his story, and we hope that you are too. Thank you, Steven, for your service and heart for people. We are so proud of you and all that you do.

Minister Laurie De Seguirant has created a unique, fun, and exciting fitness ministry called Luv’n Liv’n! Laurie wrote,
“My ministry is a boots-on-the-ground ministry. I am a Nationally Certified Fitness Specialist and own Luv’n Liv’n, a ministry focused upon the physical, emotional, social, intellectual and spiritual well-being of all who are involved. I teach live classes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 9:00 AM Pacific on Facebook, but will soon be moving to a Luv’n Liv’n YouTube Channel. The outreach spans from Hawaii to families in Peru, throughout the United States, and into Europe. We offer health, hope and happiness. We are not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ and present applicable, in-the-moment alternative to the challenges of every day life.”
Minister Laurie’s ideas are like nothing we have ever seen before! We love the way that he turns an everyday activity into a gospel presentation. Congrats on an amazing ministry! Keep up the great work at Luv’n Liv’n!

Minister Christina Castro, has lived in the United States for 18 years. She uses her gift as a bilingual Spanish/English speaker to minister to and serve others well. She states,
” [I am] grateful to the Lord for giving me, a senior, the opportunity to serve Him.” God uses people of all races, ages, and genders to spread His Son’s glorious name,”
Minister Castro is an amazing example of this truth. She officiated a wedding recently despite the pandemic. Congrats to the happy, beautiful couple.
Awesome job Minister Castro! We are so proud to have you as a member of the CGOM family.

Minister Ronald McCollum sent in an amazing report recently. As Covid-19 has caused many people to miss visiting their local church, he has begun a new YouTube channel where he posts encouraging videos that teach others about the good news of Jesus via the internet.
He also serves his hometown in many unique ways. He tells us,
“In this season of pandemic, the Church has left the building. Christ by His Gift & Spirit within me has made me successful in spreading His Gospel on many platforms including passing out Gospel tracts throughout the city of Chicago, preaching & teaching in churches.
I’m also beginning a Gospel series on YouTube called “Know The Truth” and partnering with Chicago Food Depository to feed the many families & communities in need…”
We are so proud of Minister McCollum and his boldness to step outside of the 4 walls of the Church and serve the Kingdom of God in every way that he can. Congratulations. We are so incredibly proud of your work!
As you can see, our CGOM Ministers are doing amazing things for the glory of God. It makes our team so excited to hear from our ministers. We love to know about the things that you are doing!
If you are interested in being featured in our next newsletter, please email with photos of yourself in action!
Thank you for reading our June Ministers In Action Newsletter! Be on the lookout for the next upcoming edition! Congratulations to this month’s featured ministers on their amazing accomplishments. Our CGOM team would like to encourage ALL of our ministers too love without limits, share boldly, and serve admirably!
Newsletter by: Madison Burnette, CGOM Ministry Services Coordinator
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