Sin, Suffering, and Sacrifice

The three “S” words that no one wants to hear or talk about. However, these words are our reality. We cannot escape the fact that sin, suffering, and sacrifice play a part in the human life because of the Fall in Genesis. We could sit here and blame it on Adam and Eve and talk about how “we wouldn’t be in this mess if it weren’t for their bad choice.” We could talk about how we shouldn’t have to bear the consequences for someone else’s actions. But, isn’t that exactly what Jesus did? Where would we be if He had that same attitude?
Sin, suffering, and sacrifice are all about perspective. These three things are terrible. They hurt. The pain and confusion that they cause is not to be undermined or simplified. However, we have choices that we can make when it comes to these three aspects of life. We can let evil take over and rule the situation, or we can abide in Jesus and let Him have the glory and victory. We have authority in Jesus to overcome sin, suffering and sacrifice when we take action with Prayer, Study and Worship. This is where we find healing and correct perspective.
Prayer. When sin, suffering, and/or sacrifice come your way, the best thing you can do is talk to God and listen to His answers. God will give you peace and rest if you come to Him. Prayer renews your mindset and helps you focus on God in times of trouble. It brings you closer to Him, your ever-present help.

Study. Next, we go to God’s Word to see what He has to say about what we are going through. We can speak and memorize Scripture that will give us strength when we need it most. Even we are unsure of what will happen in the future, we can be sure about the promises that God has made to us. We can stand on the Word as our foundation when everything else around us seems to crumble. If we rely on the unshakable Bible, we too cannot be shaken.
Worship. We cannot worship only when things go our way. It is important to worship God in horrible times simply because He is good and worthy and will provide. We worship because we believe in God’s faithfulness. We worship regardless of feelings. We worship because we cannot wait to see how God will use the situation that we are in, but we know that it will be used. We worship because we know what’s coming.
Below is an honest prayer, a relevant Scripture, and a reflection prompt for each of the three “S” words. Feel free to take what’s written and make it your own. This part of the blog is meant to create a space for you to connect with Jesus. It is meant to build habits that will develop your relationship with Him. It is meant to help you work with God.
Prayer: “God, I need your forgiveness. I am struggling with __________, and it is taking over my life. I feel lost. Please help me to obey you. I confess now that I need you help. You know my heart, and you know that I really want to stop letting this sin have control over me. I want to build my relationship with you because you matter more to me. I repent now. In your holy Name I pray, Amen.”
Scripture: Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, to make you obey its passions. Do not present your members to sin as instruments for unrighteousness, but present yourselves to God as those who have been brought from death to life, and your members to God as instruments for righteousness. For sin will have no dominion over you, since you are not under law but under grace. –Romans 6: 12-14
Reflection Prompt: Go to a trusted, close, Christian mentor and tell them about the sin you’ve been struggling with. Be honest. Ask them to pray for you and hold you accountable going forward.
Prayer: “God, I am going though a really hard time right now and it hurts. In my flesh, I want it to be over. I feel exhausted. Please help me. I give this over to You because that’s all I know to do. I feel so ______. Please remind me that Your plan is always good and that You are in control. Give me peace. It is hard to focus on You right now and I need Your guidance. Please help my attitude to glorify You. Remind me of Your faithfulness. I worship You because I know what’s coming. Thank You for Your provision so far. I know I’m held. I know You’re working. You always show up, God. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.”

Scripture: Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. -2 Corinthians 4: 16-18
Reflection Prompt: Journal your experience. Release. Write down your feelings, thoughts, conversations, wins and losses, anything. Go back and look in one week, one month, and one year. See what’s changed and what hasn’t. Then, pray.
Prayer: “God, this choice was really hard to make. I know it is going to help others and that is needed to be done, but it was much easier said. I am scared. My thoughts are making it worse. I feel _______. Now that the decision is final, the pain is starting to set in. Please help me, God. I want to be available and willing, but it’s hard. Remind me of how Your Son sacrificed everything for me. Help me to show this love to others with joy. I know this will have a Kingdom pay-off. Remind me that You’re with me. I sacrifice ______ out of adoration for You. In Jesus’ I pray, Amen.”

Scripture: For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain. -Philippians 1:21
Reflection Prompt: Do a “five minutes of solitude” exercise every day for the next week. Just take five minutes to sit calmly in complete silence. Focus on your breathing and center your attention on listening to Jesus. Shut out all other thoughts and feelings from the day for just a few minutes. Leave your phone in another room. Just spend a few minutes alone with God in the quiet.
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Madison Burnette is a Religion major at Carson-Newman University. She is a Nashville native and an aspiring writer. In her free time, she enjoys watching sports, singing, reading, and trying local coffee shops with her friends. She has a heart for sharing the hope of Jesus with others through her platform. Her favorite Scripture is Psalm 73: 25-26.
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